Brokering Businesses on LinkedIn: The Dos and Don’ts
If you’re not taking advantage of the massive opportunity for brokering business on LinkedIn, you’re missing out on a significant chance to connect with potential customers and make new sales. However, as with anything else in business, there are some do’s and don’ts to consider when brokering businesses on LinkedIn to ensure that your experience meets your expectations. Here are three things you should do and three things you should avoid when trying to broker businesses on LinkedIn.
Do use the right keywords in your profile
When you’re brokering business on LinkedIn, one of the most important things you can do is use the right keywords in your profile. This will help ensure that you come up when people are searching for someone with your skills and experience. Remember your target audience and the buyer’s journey when deciding what your keywords will be. Doing so will enable you to carefully construct a successful message so you can increase your chances of success.
Do read all messages carefully
It’s important to be professional when brokering businesses on LinkedIn. This means reading all messages carefully before responding. This way, you can make sure that you understand the other person’s needs and can provide the best possible service. Once you have an understanding of their pain points, you can construct responses that will enable you to move forward towards a successful close.
Don’t forget the basics
Just because you’re using a social media platform to broker a business deal doesn’t mean you can forget the basics of business etiquette. Be professional, courteous, and respectful of the other person’s time. Remember that you’re trying to build a relationship, not just close a deal. Consider whether or not your messages and interaction is worth the person’s time or not. If you can’t honestly answer yes to yourself, go back to focus on your keywords and target audience to ensure best results. Always keep in mind “why” questions such as, “why should someone respond?” or “why is this important to respond to?”. If it is worth a time investment to reply to the conversation, you’re one step closer to a closed opportunity.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions
Don’t send generic messages
Consider utilizing a digital marketing team