Barry is an entrepreneur, he has run multiple companies and consulted to others. Upon discovering EOS, he realized that he could pursue his true passion and purpose on a greater scale by helping companies align their vision, accelerate their growth, and maximize the employee talent. By implementing EOS into many companies, his goal is to improve the lives of over 10,000 employees in the next 10 years. Barry’s business background provides a great foundation for understanding the power and benefits of implementing EOS. Having seen many examples of both great and dysfunctional company cultures, he knows how to help leadership teams have the tough conversations needed to solve issues. The result is a shared vision with constant execution on that vision. This leads to greater performance, a more valuable company, and it makes coming to work more enjoyable for everyone in the company! “We put in too much time and effort to not get the results we want and deserve. As entrepreneurs, we have a greater obligation than just to our own families. When our businesses are successful, we are also helping all our employees, their families and the communities that we serve.” EOS Implementer®
Barry Fay
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